Friday, March 16, 2018

Escaping the Golf Course Bunker

New Jersey businessman Ralph Serpe has been in the construction industry for more than three decades. A passionate golfer, Ralph Serpe has a few favorite New Jersey golf spots, including Essex Fells Country Club.

Sand traps and bunkers are fixtures on nearly every golf course. For many golfers, the art of getting out of a bunker plays no small role in the success of their game.

To get out of a bunker, choose the right club. If you have little green to work with, your best choice is usually a lob wedge. If you have enough green, however, choose a lower-lofted wedge, such as a sand wedge or gap wedge, which will encourage a greater flight distance.

Your setup and swing are also key. Twisting your feet into the sand provides a stable base for the shot, and playing off your front foot with an open stance and open clubface gives a high trajectory and soft flight. The swing itself should be outside-in, ensuring good control and a high flight path.