Thursday, October 12, 2017
Three Strength-Training Tips for Beginners
Ralph Serpe is the founder and president of Kemsco Construction and Equipment Company in Newark, New Jersey. He is responsible for all aspects of the company, including new work estimates, client relationship management, and company resources and operations. At the request of his family, Ralph Serpe has recently started strength training with a personal trainer.
Whether you have a personal trainer or not, getting started in strength training does not have to be an intimidating and painful process. Follow these three tips to transition smoothly into this new activity.
1. Warm up with some light cardio to get your heart rate up and your blood flowing. In addition, stretch out your muscles so that they are loose and limber, which will help prevent injury and pain during your workout.
2. Start with simple workouts, using your body’s own weight. One setback for many beginners is that they think they need access to a gym and expensive equipment just to do strength training. Exercises like push-ups, squats, and sit-ups are an ideal way for beginners to start, without the need for weights or other equipment.
3. Remember to evolve your routine as you gain experience and familiarity. Changing the sequence and kind of exercises you do, as well as the number of reps, will not only ensure that you continually challenge yourself and get the most from your strength training, but will help prevent the boredom that comes with repeating the same routine over and over.